As under this scheme the people who are disabled, disputed, blind, orphan children, divorced women, widow with a child, women who are freed from prostitution, people suffering from serious illness or disease, abandoned women, transgenders, outraged women etc . So all those people who comes under these categories will be included under this scheme. Moreover these people will get a financial assistance by the side of the Maharashtra state government.
1. The people who are disabled, disputed, orphan child, divorced and widow women, women freed from prostitution, outraged and abandoned women, people suffering from severe diseases etc will be included under this scheme.
2. In case of the disabled persons the disabilities should go beyond 40% in order to be a beneficiary of Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana 2018.
3. To be the beneficiary of this scheme all the affected people must be below the age of 65 years.
4. The monthly family income of the person should not be more then Rs. 21000, if it goes beyond this amount then they will not be able to get the benefits of this scheme.
5. Most importantly to be a beneficiary of this scheme the person should be a permanent resident of Maharashtra state.Most importantly to be a beneficiary of this scheme the person should be a permanent resident of Maharashtra state.
1. The person who is affected individually will be provided with Rs. 600 per month.
2. In case the family has two or people affected than they will receive an amount of Rs. 900 per month .
1. Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Scheme Application Form.
2. Age proof document.
3. Income certificate to prove family income is below Rs.21000
4. Certificate of BPL (Below Poverty Line family).
5. Certificate issued by Talathi / Gramsevak Certifying deceased was Earning Head of the Family.
6. In case of major illness, Medical certificate need to be submitted. Medical certificate should be issued by the medical superintendent or the civil surgeon of Government hospitals.
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